Pre-Conference Workshop


East African Community Secretariat

The Secretary General
East African Community
Afrika Mashariki Road / EAC Close
P.O. Box 1096,
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2162100
Fax: +255 2162199
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

EAPCE'25 National Organizing Committee (Conference Secretariat)

Eng. Joyce Kisamo
Ag. Assistant Commissioner for Petroleum
Chairperson, National Organizing Committee (EAPCE’25)
Ministry of Energy
P.O. Box 2494
40474 Dodoma, Tanzania
Tel: +255 784 466650
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

EAPCE'25 Regional Steering Committee

Dr. James Mataragio
Deputy Permanent Secretary
Chairperson, Steering Committee (EAPCE’25)
Ministry of Energy
Government City – Mtumba
P.O. Box 2494
40474 Dodoma, Tanzania
Tel: +255 262 322018
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Dr. Doreen Mkuu
Manager Venture Operations
Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation
P.O. Box 2774
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel: +255 676 595994
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Gerard Bigirimana
Burundian Office of Mines and Quarries Ministry of Hydraulics, Energy and Mines
P.O. Box 745
Bujumbura, Burundi
Tel: + 257 79981634
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Warsame Mohamed Atteyeh
Head Section of Geophysical Operations
Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources
P.O. Box 119, Bondhere District
Mogadishu, Somalia
Tel: + 2526 170 01518
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Josky Kisali
Chief Superintending Geologist (Petroleum)
Ministry of Petroleum and Mining
P.O. Box 50614 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel: +254 720116524
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Deogratias Dushime
Senior Petroleum Engineer
Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board (RMB)
P.O. Box 937
KN 4 Ave, Kigali
Kigali, Rwanda
Tel: +250 785 062807
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Wilson M. Tumushabe
Principal Geologist/Reservoir
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development
P.O. Box 9
Entebbe, Uganda
Tel: +256 782 716261
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The East African Community (EAC) comprises of eight (8) Partner States namely the Republic of Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Federal Republic of Somalia, the Republic of Kenya, the Republic of Rwanda, the Republic of South Sudan, the Republic of Uganda and the United Republic of  Tanzania, with a combined population of over 300 million.

The broad goal of EAC is economic, social and political integration so as to create wealth in the region and enhance competitiveness through increased production, trade and investment. Thus, the EAC seeks to improve the quality of life for the people of East Africa through its mission of widening and deepening integration and a vision of a prosperous, competitive and politically united East Africa.

Given the importance of energy in realizing this vision, the EAC Partner States have agreed to cooperate in joint exploration and development of energy resources found within the Community and to promote investment within the sector. The EAC Partner States seek to promote exploitation of both renewable and nonrenewable energy sources in the most optimal way for the mutual benefit of East Africans.

In this regard, the EAC has been holding the East African Petroleum Conference and Exhibition biennially since 2003 to promote exploration, development and production of oil and gas. The main objective of the Conference and Exhibition is to promote investment in the oil and gas sector by demonstrating to the world the potential that lies within the region and sharing information on the status of development of the sector in each Partner State.

The Conference offers a wide range of technical presentations reflecting developments in the oil and gas industry in East Africa and around the world. The Conference provides a forum for discussing the legal and policy framework and the overall business environment prevailing in the region. It gives stakeholders in the oil and gas sector an opportunity to interact with EAC senior government officials and decision makers.

The Conference and Exhibition programme integrates field excursions to selected sites in each Partner State for delegates to see the rich geological variety that the region possesses as well as the tourist attractions that the region is well known for.

The exhibitions and field excursions have become a popular feature of the Conference, attracting more and more participants with each successive Conference.

EAPCE’25, themed: Unlocking Investment in Future Energy: The Role of Petroleum Resources in the Energy Mix for Sustainable Development in East Africa, will provide a unique forum for dialogue for all players in the Petroleum industry regionally and internationally. Technical papers, paper posters, e-posters and exhibitions aligned to the conference theme are lined up to produce stimulating interactions among conference delegates. Field excursions to selected sites of geological and touristic importance in the region are being planned to give the delegates an unforgettable experience.

EAPCE'25 Conference Topics:

A: Exploration and Development

  1. Legal, Fiscal and Regulatory Regimes

  2. East African Rift and Coastal Basins

  3. Offshore Exploration Opportunities

  4. Field Development and Reservoir Management

B: Mid & Downstream Opportunities

  1. Legal, Fiscal and Regulatory Regime

  2. Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products Pipelines and Storage

  3. Refining Options for Crude Oil

  4. Natural Gas Processing, Transportation and Distribution

  5. LPG Infrastructure Development

  6. Value Addition in Oil and Gas Development

  7. Development of Virtual Pipelines

C: Resource Revenue Management

  1.  Petroleum Revenue Management

  2. Oil and Gas Markets and Impact of Global Prices

  3. Petroleum Projects’ Cost Monitoring and Auditing

  4. Transfer Pricing

D: Energy Mix and Just Energy Transition

  1. Clean Cooking

  2. Energy Integration

  3. Technological Advancement in Petroleum

  4. Strengthening Energy Security: The Role of Petroleum in a Diversified Energy Mix Strategy

E:   Other Investment Opportunities

  1. Capacity Building and Training Programs

  2. Farm-in Partnerships and Multiclient Studies

  3. Financing of Petroleum Projects

  4. Meeting the Regional Petroleum Needs

 F: Cross-Cutting Issues

  1. Managing Environmental, Health, Safety, Security and Social Impacts in Oil and Gas Operations

  2. Decommissioning of Upstream, Midstream and Downstream Facilities
  3. Local Content

  4. Data Management

  5. Governance in the Extractive Sector

  6. Managing 
Stakeholder Expectations

  7. Geopolitical Influence on Petroleum Demand and Pricing

  8. Corporate Social Responsibility



Abstracts are invited on the range of topics outlined below. Presenters should submit an abstract of not more than 500 words in length using Times New Roman font type of size 12, with 1.5-line spacing.

EAPCE'25 Conference Topics:

A: Exploration and Development

  1. Legal, Fiscal and Regulatory Regimes

  2. East African Rift and Coastal Basins

  3. Offshore Exploration Opportunities

  4. Field Development and Reservoir Management

B: Mid & Downstream Opportunities

  1. Legal, Fiscal and Regulatory Regime

  2. Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products Pipelines and Storage

  3. Refining Options for Crude Oil

  4. Natural Gas Processing, Transportation and Distribution

  5. LPG Infrastructure Development

  6. Value Addition in Oil and Gas Development

  7. Development of Virtual Pipelines

C: Resource Revenue Management

  1.  Petroleum Revenue Management

  2. Oil and Gas Markets and Impact of Global Prices

  3. Petroleum Projects’ Cost Monitoring and Auditing

  4. Transfer Pricing

D: Energy Mix and Just Energy Transition

  1. Clean Cooking

  2. Energy Integration

  3. Technological Advancement in Petroleum

  4. Strengthening Energy Security: The Role of Petroleum in a Diversified Energy Mix Strategy

E:   Other Investment Opportunities

  1. Capacity Building and Training Programs

  2. Farm-in Partnerships and Multiclient Studies

  3. Financing of Petroleum Projects

  4. Meeting the Regional Petroleum Needs

 F: Cross-Cutting Issues

  1. Managing Environmental, Health, Safety, Security and Social Impacts in Oil and Gas Operations

  2. Decommissioning of Upstream, Midstream and Downstream Facilities

  3. Local Content

  4. Data Management

  5. Governance in the Extractive Sector

  6. Managing 
Stakeholder Expectations

  7. Geopolitical Influence on Petroleum Demand and Pricing

  8. Corporate Social Responsibility



  • Specify the author and co-authors where applicable and provide a working email address and telephone number of the author who will present the paper.

  • Abstracts must be submitted in English and limited to 500 words.

  • Each abstract shall be accompanied by the author’s biography and a passport-size photograph. Biographies shall be limited to 150 words and shall be written using complete sentences in the 3rd person. The biography should contain information on current position, career history, education and professional achievements.

  • Multiple abstract submissions are permitted.

  • Please ensure that you check your data carefully before submitting as changes or additions will not be accepted after the Call for Abstracts closes.

  • All abstracts are to be submitted via the online Abstract Submission Form on the EAPCE’25 Conference website by midnight of 30th November, 2024, EAT.

  • Upon submission of your Abstract, you will receive a confirmation link confirming receipt of your submission with the details you have entered.

  • Abstracts will be reviewed by the Abstracts Sub-Committee of EAPCE’25 and successful authors will be notified of the outcome by 31st December, 2024.

Oral Presentation Guidelines:

  1. Oral Presentations will be allocated a maximum of ten (10) minutes of presentation.

  2. Presentations should be restricted to seven (7) slides:
  1. The Objective of the study
  2. The Methodology adopted
  3. The Results obtained
  4. Conclusion (academia)
  5. Policy Implication (Government)
  6. Business Opportunity ( Private Sector)
  7. Cover page / Thank you note


Poster Presentation Guidelines:

  1. Poster stands are the size A0 portrait. Anything larger than this will not be accommodated for purposes of consistency and uniformity.

  2. Visiting of posters will be during breaks - tea break, Lunch break and after the afternoon sessions.


Presentation Submission:

All Oral and Poster Presenters are requested to submit their presentations using the link below no later than 30th April, 2023  at 23:30Hrs.

Presentation Submission Form










i.   Licensing Regimes


Abstract title Author Institution
  • Data available for the Tanzania 5th licensing round
Mr. Faustine Matiku The Petroleum Upstream Regulatory Authority (PURA),
  • Revamping of Oil and Gas Exploration in Tanzania for both Onshore and Offshore Blocks - The Upcoming Competitive Licensing Round
Mr. Shigela Malosha Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC)
  • Overcoming the cost recovery challenge of production sharing contracts, can the gross split production sharing contract be the solution? a case study of Uganda
Mr. Felix Bob Ocitti Petroleum Authority of Uganda
  • What strategies can uganda adopt to promote licensing of its petroleum blocks amidst the energy transition
Mr. Moses Ekunu Petroleum Authority of Uganda


ii.  Best Practice Exploration in Sedimentary Basins


Abstract title Author Institution
  • Investigating Melt Generation Beneath the Northern Western Branch of the East African Rift Using 3D Geodynamic Modeling with ASPECT 

Ms Asenath Kwagalakwe
Virginia Tech, USA(PhD Student)
  • Seismic Data Acquisition Using Modern Nodal System.
Mr. Wangese M. Misiwa Petroleum Upstream Regulatory Authority (PURA),
  • Optimisation of low-quality 3D siesmic data acquisition parameters using computational methods for re-acquisition of seismic data in Field X in the Albertine graben-Uganda.
Mr. Emmanuel Mwesigwa Petroleum Authority of Uganda
  • Pliocene linked shelf – depocenter system, Lake Albertine, Uganda: seismic facies analysis and exploration application.
Dr. Olumuyiwa A. Olawoki (Muyiwa) PEL - Geospectra Partnership
  • Integration of geochemical and geophysical understanding in the Albertine graben
Mr. Lucas Mclean-Hodgson DGR Global


iii.  East African Rift Basins


Abstract title Author Institution
  • Catching the next wave in Rifts: Insights into the Petroleum System of Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania.
Mr. Tryphone Ndubusa Petroleum Upstream Regulatory Authority

  • Re-evaluation of field X located in northern lake Albert
basin to refine the structural interpretation.
Ms Calorine Twebaze The Petroleum Authority of Uganda
  • Biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental settings of the Eyasi Wembere rift basin based on ostracod studies
Mr. Adam Sajilo Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC)
  • Origin of nitrogen-rich natural gas from Kipeto area, Kenya: a geochemical perspective
Dr. Enock Rotich National Oil Corporation of Kenya
  • A field study of the Albertine rift basin depositional environments using Modern day analogues, a case of the Kalondo sinistral spit, Ntoroko active spit complex, Kaiso spit and Tonya lagoon.
Mr, Gilbert Mugenyi Petroleum Authority of Uganda (PAU)
  • Interpretation of Structural Domains beneath Lake Edward- George Basin Southern Uganda from Seismic Data. 
Mr. Derrick Mbenyi Petroleum Authority of Uganda


iv.  East African Coastal Basins


Abstract title Author Institution
  • Search for hydrocarbons in Lake Tanganyika in Burundi: current situation
Hon Dr Samuel NDAYIRAGIJE University of Burundi
  • Tanzania’s offshore interest for future gas reserves
Mr. Kelvin Raphael Komba Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC)


v.  Offshore Exploration Opportunities


Abstract title Author Institution
  • Pemba-Zanzibar sub-basin - East Africa’s underexplored hydrocarbon province 
Mrs Suganda Tewari SLB (previously known as Schlumberger)





ii.  Exploring on Exportation and Refining Options for Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products


Abstract title Author Institution
  • Adoption of a well naming convention that addresses the challenges of factory drilling for development and production wells: Case study of the upstream oil and gas projects in the Albertine Graben - Uganda
Ms Angela Kampi Petroleum Authority of Uganda (PAU).
  • New approaches for the award of consent to drill development wells under the batch drilling strategy.: A Case for the Upstream Oil and Gas Projects in the Albertine Graben - Uganda.
Mr. Wilbrod Byamukama Petroleum Authority of Uganda (PAU).
  • The journey in the development of a greenfield oil refinery in Kabaale, Hoima – Uganda.
Mr. Steven Enach Petroleum Authority of Uganda (PAU).


iii.  Natural Gas and LPG infrastructure development


Abstract title Author Institution
  • Development of Natural Gas Pipeline Projects in East Africa: Opportunities and Challenges
Mr. Godson Chacha Petroleum Upstream Regulatory Authority (PURA)
  • Adoption of Liquified Petroleum Gas in Zanzibar: A Case Study of Urban West Region
Eng. Joseph Raphael Mabagala Zanzibar Utilities Regulatory Authority (ZURA)
  • Cost benefit analysis for natural gas utilization in Kenya to cater for increasing electricity demand
Mr. Lemiso Koiyo National oil Corporation of Kenya
  • Commercialization of Kipeto natural gas field through mini gas to wire project and small-scale gas reticulation
Mr. Tony Mugo Ngatia National Oil corporation of Kenya
  • LPG production in Uganda, a game changer in the region’s energy dynamics
Mr. Benjamin Ariho Petroleum Authority of Uganda


iv.  Value addition in Oil and Gas developments


Abstract title Author Institution
  • Petroleum Value Addition in Oil and Gas developments in East Africa
Eng. Thobias I. Magige Petroleum Upstream Regulatory Authority (PURA)
  • Natural gas flaring alternatives
Mr Luqman Jamaldin Yahya Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya
  • Modern geochemical laboratory and core storage facilities at the national oil corporation of Kenya
Ms. Clara Orora National Oil Corporation of Kenya
  • Crude Oil to Petrochemicals- A Strategy to Diversify EAC Economic Growth
Mr. Iddy Katana Nzaro Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya
  • Value addition in oil and gas developments
Mr. Stephen Kipchumba Ronoh Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya
  • Value addition of cashew nut shell liquid for offshore oil and gas drilling on health, safety and environment campaign in Tanzania.
Eng. Daniel Charles Rukonu Dar Es Salaam Maritime Institute




i.  Capacity Building and Training programs


Abstract title Author Institution
  • Capacity building and training interventions in the oil and gas sector in Uganda. the case of the petroleum authority of Uganda (PAU)
Mr. John Jerry Sebigaju Petroleum Authority of Uganda
  • Need for capacity building and training programs in petroleum sector within East Aftrica.
Ms Rose Naliaka Nyongesa Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya


ii.  Farm in partnerships and multiclient studies

Abstract title Author Institution
  • Pipeline Integrity Management in Oil and Gas Production Facilities Through Corrosion Prevention and Inspection Strategies: An Experience of Arabian Gulf Oil Company (AGOCO) Libya 
Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad  Arabian Gulf Oil Company, Libya
  • Integrated interpretation of Sub-Basalt structures in the Magadi Basin: An exploration opportunity in the Kenyan Tertiary Rift 
Mr. Abiud Masinde  National Oil Corporation of Kenya
  • Best Farm Out (In) Practices as a Key to Success of the Oil and Gas Industry in the EAC
Mr. Boniface Okot Godena Associates. (Tax Associate)


iii.  Financing for Petroleum Projects


Abstract title Author Institution
  • Financing options and risk mitigation mechanisms in oil and gas industry projects in East Africa
Mr. Peter Ongori Office of the Attorney General & Department of Justice


iv.  Development of LNG, pipelines, refinery, CNG, storage facilities and petrochemical projects in East Africa


Abstract title Author Institution
  • The Overview of the Tanzania Petroleum Operation: The TLNG Project Development and Its Opportunities for East Africa
Eng. Thobias I. Magige Petroleum Upstream Regulatory Authority (PURA)
  • Development of LNG Transport and Storage Facilities in Kenya
Mr. Casper Akhenda Adodi Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya
  • LPG Infrastructure Development
Mr. Kishoyian Erick Saigilu Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya




i.  Field development and Reservoir Management


Abstract title Author Institution
  • The Significance of Well Intervention on Gas Producing Fields: Case Study Songo Songo, Tanzania
Mr. Ndau L. Ndau Petroleum Upstream Regulatory Authority (PURA),
  • Managing the Decline Phase in Gas Producing Fields
Mr. Godson Chacha Petroleum Upstream Regulatory Authority (PURA)




i.  Managing Environmental, Health, Safety, Security and Social Impacts in Oil and Gas Operations


Abstract title Author Institution
  • The role of natural gas in low carbon energy transition in Tanzania: demonstrating TPDC green credentials.
Ms Anna Maria Simon Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation
  • Environmental Health and Safety Practices in Petrol Stations in Urban West Region, Zanzibar
Eng. Joseph Raphael Mabagala Zanzibar Utilities Regulatory Authority (ZURA)
  • Oil Exploration and Production Waste Management Practices: Review of the Legal & Regulatory Framework in Kenya
Mr. Thomas Githinji Mugo National Oil Corporation of Kenya
  • Use of landfill gas as a source of CO2 for Enhanced Oil Recovery
Ms Laura Lokitari Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya
  • Environmental and Social Challenges and Mitigations in Oil and Gas Projects
Ms Alice Karanja National Oil Corporation of Kenya
  • Strategies in managing upstream oil and gas greenhouse gases emission: A climate change and public health-oriented approach
Ms Latifa Nyembo Petroleum Upstream Regulatory Authority (PURA)
  • Using process safety key performance indicators to predict and manage potential major incidents in oil and gas operations.
Mr. Michael Mugyenzi Murinde Petroleum Authority of Uganda (PAU)
  • Linkages between Tourism and the Oil and Gas sectors: Mapping of capacity gaps and investment opportunities in the Albertine region of Uganda
Dr. Jim Ayorekire Makerere University
  • Managing Environmental, Health, Safety, Security and Social Impacts in Oil and Gas Operations.
Ms. Joyce W. Kariuki Ministry of Energy and Petroleum Kenya


ii.  Local Content


Abstract title Author Institution
  • The role of capacity building in promoting national participation in the oil and gas

sector in Uganda
Ms. Betty Jackie Namubiru Petroleum Authority of Uganda
  • Job market and employability for persons with disabilities and special needs in the East African petroleum region
Mr. Louis Baluku ENCL Energy Consults
  • The Role of Local Companies for Value Creation in the Exploitation of the East African Petroleum Resources - A Case of Contractors, Consultants, Suppliers, Financial Institutions, and Insurance Companies in Tanzania.
Eng. Ernest Dora Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation
  • Local Supplier Development Fund, What Can Tanzania and Other East African Countries Learn from Ghana and Nigeria
Mr. Ebeneza Mollel  Petroleum Upstream Regulatory Authority (PURA)
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of oil and gas local content policies in Africa
Ms. Carolyne Ngina Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Kenya
  • The Road to Becoming an Independent Upstream Operator: A Case for the Uganda National Oil Company Limited.
Ms Lyoidah Kiconco Uganda National Oil Company (UNOC)
  • The development of local content in the oil and gas industry in Kenya
Mr. John Kariuki Njogu Ministry of Energy & Petroleum-Kenya
  • Effects of local content policies on sustainable local development in the upstream oil and gas industry in Kenya
Mr. Vincent Sayo Ministry of Energy & Petroleum-Kenya


iii.  Data Management


Abstract title Author Institution
  • Common causes of poor quality seismic and wells data in oil and gas enterprises
Mr. Herbart Kibuuka Petroleum Authority Uganda
  • Strategic response to changing business environment by East Africa’s National Oil Companies
Ms. Selly Rono National Oil Corporation of Kenya
  • Energy Data Democratization in a Dynamic Environment 
Mr. Jehoshaphat Kioko National Oil Corporation of Kenya
  • Use of the Novel Variable Grid Method to Visualize Progressive Uncertainty Reduction in the Exploration of Block 14T, Kenya  
Ms Lucy Obwogo Mwango National Oil Corporation of Kenya
  • Digital Petroleum – Managing Multidisciplinary Sedimentary Basin Data in the East African Rift System 
Dr Shastri L Nimmagadda Lakshman Curtin University
  • Petroleum Data Management: Regulating Data as a Valuable Resource
Mr. Charles Kamunya Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya
  • Data management for oil and gas exploration, a case study of Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation
Mr. Lucas Muhushi Luhaga Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC)


iv.  Legal, Fiscal and Regulatory Regimes


Abstract title Author Institution
  • A critical intertemporal analysis of Uganda’s fiscal regime: are Uganda’s upstream projects still viable? 
Mr. Tom Ayebare Rukundo   Petroleum Authority of Uganda
  • Examining the Legal Frameworks for the Oil and Gas Industry in Zanzibar
Eng. Joseph Raphael Mabagala Zanzibar Utilities Regulatory Authority (ZURA)
  • Cost Recovery Audit: A Government’s Safeguard for its Petroleum Wealth
Ms Juliet Karori Ministry of Energy and Petroleum
  • The Taxation of Contractors and Subcontractors in the Oil and Gas Sector in Uganda
Mr. Festus Akunobera ABMAK Associates, Advocates & Legal Consultants (ABMAK)
  • Examination of the preparedness of East Africa’s legal and regulatory framework for development of oil pipelines and international best practices
Ms. Rachel Chebukati State Law Office in Kenya
  • An analysis of the Uganda’s institutional framework and its sufficiency in managing Petroleum revenues collection
Ms. Betty Ahwera Mining and Petroleum Division at the Uganda Revenue Authority
  • EACOP; East Africa’s opportunity to widen its revenue base
  • Taxation of the oil and gas sector in Uganda
Mr. Enock Turatsinze Godena Associates
  • Strategies and attractive fiscal terms for incentivising oil and gas exploration in East African rift systems
Mr. Winston Mugumya Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (PEDPD)


v.  Technological Advancement


Abstract title Author Institution
  • 3D Magnetotelluric for Basin Characterization: A case study of Magadi Basin
Dr Godfrey Andrew Osukuku National Oil Corporation of Kenya
  • PySAFETY Digital Safety solution  
Ms Manja Bogicevic Kagera AI, Sebia
  • The importance of the metaverse and digital twins in the oil and gas sector in Uganda
Mr. Allan Obalim Petroleum Authority of Uganda
  • Application of Machine Learning as a Soft Sensor for Predicting Gas Wellhead Pressure: Case Study of Songo Songo Gas Field
Mr. Ng’wigonji John Kidai Arusha Technical College
  • Criticality of Cyber Security in the oil and gas critical infrastructure in Uganda
Mr. Allan Obalim Petroleum Authority of Uganda


vi.  Governance in Extractive Sector


Abstract title Author Institution
  • Cost recovery reviews under a production sharing agreement! what governments should look out for
Mr. Henry Luwemba Kasule Petroleum Authority of Uganda
  • African Mineral and Energy Resources Classification & Management System (AMREC) as a tool for sustainable resource management in Africa
Mr. Felix Bob Ocitti Petroleum Authority of Uganda (PAU)
  • Effective Governance in the African Extractive Sector as a critical tool for Africa’s Economic independence; A case for East Africa.
Ms. Racheal Bakazi Uganda Revenue Authority in the Petroleum and Mining Division
  • Petroleum Cost Monitoring Under a Production-Sharing Contract - Early Detection Mechanisms
Ms. Annabel Odera Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya.


vii.  Managing Stakeholders Expectations


Abstract title Author Institution
  • Managing stakeholder expectations in the upstream Petroleum Sector a case study of the South Lokichar field in the Tertiary Rift Sedimentary basin.
Ms Faith Kibos State Department for Petroleum
  • Managing Stakeholder Expectations for Better Outcomes
Mr. Didas Muhumuza Petroleum Authority of Uganda
  • The role of stakeholder engagement in achieving lasting value in (in Uganda’s) oil and gas sector
Ms. Gloria Sebikari Petroleum Authority of Uganda


viii.  Energy Integration


Abstract title Author Institution
  • Renewable Energy Integration - Decarbonizing Non-Renewable Energy Systems and Managing Carbon Free Economies 
Dr Shastri L Nimmagadda Lakshman  Curtin University(
  • Rift associated unconventional natural gas: from hazard to resource 
Ms Ayan Omar National Oil Corporation of Kenya
  • Energy Integration – A Holistic Approach for Managing the Energy Ecosystems, their Designs and Strategies in the East African Contexts 
Dr Shastri L Nimmagadda Lakshman Curtin University
  • Hydrogen Economy: the Future Energy Opportunity to Tanzania.
Mr Alex Buko Stephano Petroleum Upstream regulatory Authority (Tanzania)
  • “Just” energy transition: a case for energy security in East Africa
Ms Njoki K. Makau   Ministry of Energy & Petroleum, Kenya
  • A case for energy integration Eastern Africa
Mr. Morris Mwaniki Ministry of Energy and Petroleum in Kenya
  • Energy Transition within the African context
Ms. Kathleen Asena National Oil Corporation of Kenya
  • Decarbonizing the EACOP; use of renewable energy on the EACOP
Eng. Herbert Magyezi Mugizi Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development
  • Accelerated energy transition, can Africa afford it? a case study of Africa’s top five carbon emitting countries and their implications for phasing out production and use of fossil fuels in Africa 
Mr. Felix Bob Ocitti  Petroleum Authority Uganda
  • State of energy transition in Kenya
Mr. Solomon Kiptui Miningwo Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya


ix.  Impacts of Covid-19 on the Petroleum Industry


Abstract title Author Institution
  • Impact of Covid-19 on the Petroleum Industry 
Mr. Fredrick Kirauko Kirimi Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya
  • The impact of Covid-19 on Zura’s regulated utilities in Zanzibar
Mr. Ahmed Abubakar Mzee Zanzibar Utilities Regulatory Authority
  • Impact of Covid 19 on the petroleum industry in East Africa
Mr. Stephen Kipchumba Rono Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya


x.  Geopolitical influence on petroleum demand and pricing


Abstract title Author Institution
  • Geopolitical influence on petroleum demand and pricing
Mr. Amos Kangogo Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya


© Copyright 2024 East African Community
11th East African Petroleum Conference & Exhibition 2025 (EAPCE'25).
All Rights Reserved.
