Exploration Overview


Every two (2) years, the East African Community Partner States organize a Conference and Exhibition on the Petroleum Potential and Investment Opportunities in East Africa. The East African Petroleum Conference & Exhibition (EAPCE) is recognized globally as a premier international forum for those working in the upstream petroleum sector. Participants include oil companies, researchers, investors, service providers, academia and financiers among others. Participants exchange ideas and information about recent developments in the region, learn about new investment opportunities and share lessons learnt.

The East African Community Partner States will host the 11th East African Petroleum Conference and Exhibition 2025 (EAPCE‘25) on the Petroleum Potential and Investment Opportunities in East Africa in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, from 5th to 7th  March, 2025. For the three (3) days, Dar es Salaam will become the place for the oil and gas industry players to gather, collaborate, conduct business and experience the showcasing of achievements in the sector under the theme: "Unlocking Investment in Future Energy: The Role of Petroleum Resources in the Energy Mix for Sustainable Development in East Africa.”
Oil and gas exploration in the East African Community has shown significant progress, with major activities centered in Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. Uganda stands out as a key player following the discovery of substantial oil reserves in the Albertine Graben region. The development of the Tilenga and Kingfisher projects, alongside the construction of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP), underscore Uganda's commitment to becoming a major oil producer.
Kenya and Tanzania are also making strides in their oil and gas sectors. In Kenya, the Lokichar Basin has been the focal point of exploration efforts, and Kenya remains optimistic about its potential to become an oil-exporting nation. Meanwhile, Tanzania has focused more on its vast natural gas reserves, particularly in the offshore fields near Mtwara. The Tanzanian Government has been working to attract investments for the construction of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant, which would enhance the country's capacity to export gas. Both countries, like Uganda, face challenges related to infrastructure development, regulatory frameworks, and securing sufficient investment, but their ongoing efforts highlight a regional commitment to leveraging hydrocarbon resources for economic growth.


Similarly, Rwanda, located in the East African Rift's Albertine Rift segment, has been actively pursuing hydrocarbon exploration since 1971. Significant efforts include 2D seismic surveys in 2012 and high-resolution 2D seismic surveys have mapped the Lake Kivu Basin's subsurface, revealing potential hydrocarbon traps and key exploratory drilling locations. Additionally, the country's favorable geological conditions, combined with robust economic growth and a business-friendly environment, have attracted substantial investor interest in securing exploration blocks and furthering Rwanda's petroleum production potential.
Petroleum exploration in Burundi focuses on the Rusizi and Lake Tanganyika Basins, part of the East African Rift System. Geological, gravimetric, aeromagnetic, and seismic surveys indicate sediment thickness exceeding 3,000 meters, with exploration divided into four blocks: A in the Rusizi Basin (onshore) and B, C, and D in the Lake Tanganyika Basin (offshore). Although Blocks C and D were granted to A-Z Petroleum Products Limited and Surestream Petroleum Limited respectively, fieldwork was suspended due to falling crude prices, leaving all blocks currently open for potential investors.

The petroleum resources discovered in the East African region are estimated at 2 billion barrels of oil in place and 3tcf of natural gas. Additional resources continue to be discovered by aggressive exploration programmes in the region.

Each of the previous ten Conferences has been more than just an international conference for it has integrated cultural & touristic dimensions unique to East Africa. EAPCE’25 will, like the previous conferences, provide participants with not only the opportunity to assess the developments in the petroleum upstream sector in East Africa but also to explore the many and varied attractions of this large region that is known in Africa for its unique and diverse beauty.

EAPCE’25 will feature an exceptional programme of technical papers, research posters with an impressive line up of invited speakers and panel participants together with innovative exhibitions. Immediately before and after the Conference there will be a diverse range of opportunities for delegates to enjoy geological field excursions and tours of wildlife conservation areas across the region.


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11th East African Petroleum Conference & Exhibition 2025 (EAPCE'25).
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