(Please select your choice):
Delegate (International) - US$ 1,000
Delegate (East African) - US$ 500
Student - US$ 200
Exhibitor - Only Applicable to those with Exhibition Booths
1 Exhibition Booth - US$ 2,500
More than 1 Exhibition Booth - US$ 2,500 X Booths Booked
1 Paper Poster - US$ 1,000
More than 1 Paper Poster - US$ 1,000 X Posters Booked
1 Electronic Poster (e-Poster) - US$ 1,000
More than 1 Electronic Poster (e-Poster) - US$ 1,000 X ePosters Booked
Delegate (All) - US$ 50
I want to express my interest in the following field excursions:
Kenya: Tertiary Rift Basin - US$ 1,200
Rwanda: Akagera National Park and Extraction Plant in Rubavu - US$ 800
Uganda: Central and Northern Albertine Graben - US$ 900
Tanzania: Southern Circuit, Selous Basin - US$ 960 (Residents) / US$ 1,150 (Non-Residents)
Burundi: Nyakazu Fault - US$ 830
Kenya: Coastal Region - US$ 900
Rwanda: Bugarama Graben and Nyungwe National Park - US$ 650
Uganda: Southern Albertine Graben - US$ 900
Tanzania: Northern Circuit - US$ 998 (Residents) / US$ 1,100 (Non-Residents)
Tanzania: Zanzibar Island - US$ 995