Lamu Basin, Coastal Region, Kenya

Lamu Basin, Coastal Region, Kenya



The Purpose of the field excursion will be for the delegates to visit petroleum facilities at the Kenya Petroleum Refineries Limited (KPRL), Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) and Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) at Mombasa Kenya. Delegates will have an opportunity to view geological formations, visit tourist sites in the Coast region. Delegates will be driven northwest from Mombsa along Mombasa Kilifi highway. Rock types to be encountered include the Mazeras Sandstone (potential reservoir), Maji ya Chumvi beds (potential source rocks) and the Taru Sandstones (potential reservoirs). There will be several stops along Mombasa Road after which delegates will be driven through the Tsavo East National Park for a game drive.


 Giraffes at Tsavo National Park
Giraffes at Nguuni Nature Sanctuary


Day 1

Arrival of delegates in Mombasa


Day 2

Stop 1: Kenya Petroleum Refinery Limited (KPRL)

Delegates will visit KPRL facilities at Changamwe. KPRL is currently a subsidiary of Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC). It stores and handles petroleum products for KPC which include: Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), Dual Purpose Kerosene (DPK), Automotive Gasoil (AGO) and Heavy Fuel oil (HFO). KPRL has an efficient pipeline network, a truck-loading facility, and an ISO-certified laboratory.

KPRL prides itself in its vast storage capacity, massive land for future investments, proximity, and connectivity to Kenya Ports Authority, KPC, and OMCs. Plans to construct a 30,000MT LPG facility are underway.

Stop 2: Kipevu Oil Terminal Oil Terminal 2 (KOT 2) at Kenya Ports Authority

The next stop will be through KPC Pump Station 14, Kipevu Oil Terminal 2, an offshore facility commissioned in August located at the Port of Mombasa, opposite the existing Kipevu Oil Terminal 1 (KOT 1) constructed in 1963. KOT 2 consists of one offshore island terminal with four berths whose total length is 770m and one workboat wharf at the Westmont area for landing facilities.

It also has five sub-sea pipelines which were buried 26 meters under the seabed to allow for future dredging of the channel without interfering with the pipes.


Kipevu Oil Terminal 2, Mombasa Kenya


DAY 3:

Stop 1: Nguuni Nature Sanctuary

A natural paradise hidden in the Nguu Tatu Hills on Mombasa’s Jurassic Coastline.

Delegates will start by visiting Nguuni Nature Sanctuary, home to a diverse range of African wildlife and makes for a beautiful place to both explore and relax which just a ten-minute drive from Bamburi. The Sanctuary is managed by Baobab Trust. Delegates will also be able to see geologic exposures from quarries on the way to the Sanctuary.

Stop 2: Kambe Limestone

Delegates will then be driven northwestwards from Mombasa along the Mombasa Kilifi highway and stop in Mavueni to view the exposure of Kambe Limestone. The outcrop shows calcarenite facies that display well-exposed vuggy and dissolution voids as well as fracture porosities.  Kambe Limestone is one of the potential reservoir rocks in the Lamu Embayment. Other potential reservoir units include the Mazeras sandstone of the Permo-Triassic age (or Karroo), Frere town limestones (Cretaceous) and Tertiary rift carbonate build-ups and fluvial/deltaic sandstones (of Tertiary age).

Exposure of Mazeras Sandstones at Kay Dee Quarry showing good examples of planner and cross-bedded sandstones


Stop 4: Maji ya Chumvi Beds

Delegates will be able to view the Maji ya Chumvi siltstones at one of the several small quarry sites near Maji ya Chumvi town.

Maji ya Chumvi beds contrast with the Taru grits by their dominance with the argillaceous components. They overlie the Taru grits with a slight disconformity. They are characterized by thinly bedded shales in silty sandstones or fine sandstones so that they easily split into slates or slabs along the shale partings. 


Maji ya Chumvi siltstones are mined for use as dimension or decorative stone


Maji ya Chumvi beds can be divided into two series: the lower beds and the upper beds. The Lower beds consist of shales with variable colours that range from bluish, black, red brownish, and are comparatively easily eroded than sandstones. They form broad valleys along their strike with drainage patterns clearly illustrating variations in their lithological successions.

The Upper series of the Maji ya Chumvi rocks start with the first appearance of siliceous sandstone beds as upward from shales to silty shales.  In the south around Samburu town, soft, yellow-coloured sandstones and hard yellow and white quartzitic layers are found interbedded with the soft blue micaceous shales.

Maji ya Chumvi siltstones are mined for use as dimension or decorative stone


Thereafter delegates will be driven to Mombasa where they will spend the night.


Day 4

Delegates Depart Mombasa.

Fees: US$900 per person

Cost- includes transport, accommodation, meals, and park fees. Delegates should also ensure that they have appropriate field gear e.g., field boots.


Gilbert Kipruto,
Senior Petroleum Geologist
State Department for Petroleum
6th Floor, KASNEB Towers II, Upperhill
Nairobi, Kenya.
Email. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cell Phone: +254 701 528682

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11th East African Petroleum Conference & Exhibition 2025 (EAPCE'25).
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