Central and Northern Albertine Graben, Uganda

Central and Northern Albertine Graben, Uganda



A three (3) days pre-conference field excursion to the central and northern part of the Albertine graben is planned to provide an opportunity to the delegates to observe the geology of these areas, discoveries, developments in the Industrial Park including the International Airport and field developments and tour the famous Murchison Falls National Park.



Delegates will leave Entebbe for Hoima City located in the Central part of the Albertine Graben. The first day will be spent in the Kaiso-Tonya area. Kaiso-Tonya lies in a faulted large-scale relay ramp (synthetic transfer zone) formed by overlapping synthetic boundary faults controlling the southern and northern Lake Albert depocenters. The area at the same time is an accommodation zone. Between these two major faults lies other three sets of faults that have accommodated the associated stresses trending E-W, NE-SW and in the N-S directions. Kaiso-Tonya geology has been divided into four Formations namely; Nkondo, Warwire, Sebugoro and Kaiso.

Stop 1: will be made at Kabaale Industrial Park to discuss the refinery and basin wide developments of the discovered resources in Albertine graben, and the progress of the Kabalega International Airport

Stop 2 & 3: will be made in the Nzizi and Mputa fields in Kaiso-Tonya. Mputa discovery is important to the Albertine Graben and the EARS as it was the first commercial oil discovery in East Africa.

Stops 4: Kingfisher Development Project and support Infrastructure development to understand the progress and journey to First Oil.
The delegates will head to Hoima City and spend the night.

Murchison Falls
Murchison Falls


Stops 1–2 Petroleum exploration operations in Butiaba-Wanseko area

Stop 1: The team will drive from Hoima City and make a stopover at the top of the escarpment to study the geometry of Northern Lake Albert basin, view the Waki dome and its associated rift margin prospects.

Stop 2: A stop at one of the well pads in Gunya Field and the Industrial Area within the Tilenga Project to understand the progress towards the First oil.

Stop 3: Boat ride on the Victoria Nile

Kaiso-Tonya structural setting and geology
Kaiso-Tonya structural setting and geology

The delegates will head to Hoima town and spend the night.

Participants will take a boat ride in the late afternoon on the Victoria Nile to see the Paraa seep and the bottom of Murchison falls. From the boat, reservoir quality sandstone exposures will be seen along the riverbanks and the Paraa oil seep on the surface of Victoria Nile.

From geochemical studies, the Paraa oil seep is a Type-1, mid-mature, lacustrine source. The manifestation of hydrocarbons on the surface (on Victoria Nile) confirms the presence of a mature source rock, which has generated and expelled oil.

Stop 4: Boat ride on the Victoria Nile
Participants will take a boat ride in the late afternoon on the Victoria Nile to see the Paraa seep and the bottom of Murchison falls. From the boat, reservoir quality sandstone exposures will be seen along the riverbanks and the Paraa oil seep on the surface of Victoria Nile.


Nyamsika sandstone exposure on the banks of the Victoria Nile (l) and Oil film on the Victoria Nile (r)
Nyamsika sandstone exposure on the banks of the Victoria Nile (l) and Oil film on the Victoria Nile (r)



Participants will have a game drive through the Murchison Falls National Park early in the morning before returning to Entebbe via Masindi, in preparation for the conference in Kampala, Uganda.

Some of the attractions of the Murchison Falls National Park
Some of the attractions of the Murchison Falls National Park

Fees: US$900 per person.

Costs include transport, accommodation, meals and park fees. Delegates should ensure they carry appropriate field gear e.g. field boots.


Tonny Sserubiri
Principal Geologist/Exploration
Petroleum Exploration, Development and Production Department
21-29 Johnstone Road. P.O. Box 9, Entebbe/Uganda
Office: +256 414 320714
Fax:     +256 414 320437
Mobile:   +256 781163590/703463009
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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11th East African Petroleum Conference & Exhibition 2025 (EAPCE'25).
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